Protecting Consumers from Debt Collectors
Lawsuits by debt buying companies are becoming more and more frequent. Many consumers don't realize that if they miss credit card payments, the credit card comp-any may then sell off their account to a new company, called a debt buyer.
Frequently, the account is sold for just pennies on the dollar. The debt buyer then sues for the original balance, plus penalties, interest, and attorney's fees -- resulting in a lawsuit for much more than the original debt.
This can be an intimidating situation for most consumers because they are unfamiliar with the new creditor and they simply don't know what their options are. For these reasons, many people simply don't go to court, resulting in the debt buyer getting a default judgment. A few others rush to unnecessarily pay off the debt in full.
Don't make these mistakes. The truth is, in many of these cases, the collection company is NOT entitled to ANY money from the consumer.
The defenses to debt buyer lawsuits are many and varied. An experienced and knowledgeable attorney can fight these cases and in most instances, the collectors get nothing.
Please give me a call if you need assistance with a debt collection lawsuit. You'll be surprised by how much you will save by hiring an lawyer rather than facing the possibility of a judgment and garnishment from a debt collector.